1·Fix bugs and fine tune system performance.
2·Set your camera's WB to tungsten, if you like, and fine tune the WB in post as necessary.
3·One of the ways that you can fine tune performance is to adjust the level of cache scrubbing.
4·Now is the time to determine the current resources and fine tune the flow of information.
5·Sometimes only database administrators are authorized to create and fine tune SQL for performance.
6·If what you are doing now is not getting you nearer to your goals, fine tune and change your strategies.
7·Linguistic dictionaries: OmniFind allows organizations to manage a number of different dictionaries to fine tune results.
8·We consider materialized query table (MQT) support an important option to further fine tune the performance of your federated server.
9·Additionally, the properties allow administrators to fine tune the connection pool to maximize performance characteristics of the application.
10·We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
1·Managing the template and the style sheet enables you to fine tune the appearance of your application to meet your organization's standards for Web applications.
2·Follow the Spa operating procedures and provide feedback to the Spa Supervisor in order to fine tune the standards where applicable.
3·Because the demand exceeds supply, Shishi knitting dyeing industry has two up fine tune the processing fees, but still failed to stop a single processing such as snowflake-like flying.
4·It has been researched that when a users wants to find something, he tries to fine tune his search by making a combination of words to get more relevant results in quick time.
5·After I finished lighting, I begun to fine tune my texture.
1·Figure 2 shows an example of the screen used to select and fine tune search targets, highlighting some special targets and options associated with some product plug-ins.
2·If what you are doing now is not getting you nearer to your goals, fine tune and change your strategies.
3·With a static probe you can choose its location, name, and the information that it exposes, enabling you to fine tune the information that you expose to match the data that you want to extract.
4·Fine tune production planning and assign Numbers to camera shots to align with scene order.
5·I am excited about the prospect of helping your promotion agency upgrade and fine tune your loyalty programs.